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Library of Social Science

Staggered Price Indexation 본문

최신 경제 학술지 소식

Staggered Price Indexation

Archmage Ayin 2020. 8. 15. 20:55

Staggered Price Indexation

Staggered Price Indexation NBER Working Paper No. 27657 Issued in August 2020 NBER Program(s):Economic Fluctuations and Growth, Monetary Economics Empirical studies using micro data find that about two thirds of all product prices do not change in a given


"Staggered price indexation into a new-Keynesian model shows that it flattens the Phillips curve and explains half of US inflation persistence, from Martín Uribe"  - @nberpubs




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“Staggered price indexation into a new-Keynesian model shows that it flattens the Phillips curve and explains half of US inflation persistence, from Martín Uribe https://t.co/twfoCsVDYt”


